NOW PLAYING...Beautiful Stranger-Madonna... and one of these is definitely on the horizon for Edd!...
Pic By Rach...

Edd dashed out of the bathroom, flustered at the thought of being late. He found himself in a trance, oblivious to anything around him as he raced as fast as he could without actually running and breaking school rules. He looked at his Graduator Graph Calculus/Calculator/Algebra Devisor/watch for the time. "8:58...I'm going to make it! Eureka!" he thought to himself triumphantly when Crash! in the chaos of getting to science 9am sharp Edd collided with another student, also rushing to get to class but in the other direction. He landed on his butt with a thud and groaned. He looked on and was confronted with the denim clad booty of a crouching figure turned away from him gathering her scattering pencils and books. Mortified, and blushing violently Edd stood up to help.
"Oh, my, I'm terribly sorry, I...huh?" Edd felt a breeze go across his scalp...his hat had come off!!!!

frantically pulling his shirt over his head like a hood, Edd scurried along the floor searching vainly for his beloved sock hat. " My hat! My Hat! Where is it?!?" he uttered to himself until he last he felt a hat underneath his knee. He yanked it on and turned around. " Oh dear, oh dear, are you all....right?" Edd froze with shock as he was confronted by a huge pair of blue watery eyes. The eyes blinked back at him, and Edd gulped as the beautiful girl wearing HIS hat gave an awkward twitch of a smile.

Then they both blurted;
"Excuse me but you're wearing my hat!" they laughed and stood there, twiddling their thumbs, not knowing quite what to do with themselves. Then the girl spoke.
"I’m so sorry, I'm really clumsy sometimes!" she laughed nervously.
"Oh no, it was my fault!" squeaked Edd politely. "I was in such a hurry, must be the first-day-back-to-school-after-summer air, huh?" he said with a coy smile. "Oh Dear!" he panicked to himself. "And me without my breath freshener, any day but this! how embarrassing!"
"No, seriously, I wasn't looking were I was going, so it was my fault!" dithered the girl, fidgeting with one of the three little curls hanging down from her (or Edd's) hat.
"Okay, okay. We're both sorry, I think it's safe to say we've established that." said Edd softly, with a shy laugh. The girl blushed and held her hand out.

"My name's Melissa. nice to meet you, what's yours?"
" Edward! my name's Edward! Double-Dee to my friends!" piped Edd abruptly and shaking her hand with his other hand over his mouth, paranoid of breathing on her with less-than-perfect breath.. The girl, in bootcut embroidered jeans, a purple fleece jacket and Edd's hat stood there, quite confused but with a smile on her face.

"May I call you double Dee?" she asked demurely, with a flick of her eyelashes.
"Um...Um, yes you may!" he answered, still in embarrassed shock. He felt a severe crush coming on. "Double Dee, you're just deluding yourself!" he heard that familiar voice of insecurity nag in his brain.

The girl stared at him sweetly for a second, making him perspire insanely, then the tolling of the 9o'clock bell shattered the atmosphere. She shook her head swiftly and said;

"I'd better go, I've got textile class. Nice to meet you Double Dee! I'll look out for you at recess."

"Pleasure's all mine, I'm sure." he slurred dreamily. Then he realised, he was still wearing Melissa's hat!
"Um...excuse me, Melissa!" he shouted oh-so-politely after her, shirking at raising his voice.
"yes?" she turned around. Edd indicated to her head, and she giggled shyly.
"Oh yeah, silly me! Oh no!" She panicked at the thought of anyone seeing HER head! She bit her lip.

"Okay...okay...stay cool, stay cool!" she muttered to herself. Edd looked at her in bemusment with a tiny grin. She had a certain timidity he related to and liked very much. "erm..." she finally said. "Okay, on the count of 3, we'll throw our hats to eachother, eyes closed."
"Ur...all right...but wait!" Edd perked. "How do I know you won't peek a look at me without my hat, eh?" he taunted, forgetting his usual bitten tongue reserve.

"Double-Dee, you're wearing a Miss Prissy Baby Blue poppypeak bobblesockhat with little yellow tassels and a fuschia coloured flower on the tip...I don't think it's going to get you much school-cred!" she sniggered flirtatiously.
"You've got a point..." chuckled Edd, reddening.
"Okay, you ready?"
"Do I really have a choice, madam? close your eyes, please!"
"Double Dee!" she giggled "hurry up! My hair's a criminal offence!"
"So is mine, I assure you!"
"Close your eyes, Edward!" she peeped jokingly.
"okay, they're closed!" he said with an impatient chortle.
"Great, you may proceed!" said Melissa.

The two kids scrambled like a can of worms after their hats, trying hard not to be tempted to peak at eachother…

"Well, now we're over the biggest disaster since Battlefield Earth...I'll see you around, Double Dee!"
"Don't say that around my pal Ed, you'll break his heart!" tittered Edd.
"Your friend's called Ed too?" she asked. "THAT'S wierd..."
"Y-yes well, there's actually three of us...um, Ed, Eddy..." Edd lost composure as Melissa lasered him with her pool-like eyes. "and...me...heh..."
"Oh..well, that's pretty handy for a new girl to know, I guess!" she chuckled. "Okay, well take care...Double Dee..."

She smirked and took one last look before racing to textile class. Edd watched her melt into the crowd with a huge grin on his face. Not wanting to miss a thing he walked backwards to class, forgetting he was already 1.37 minutes late! It hadn't bothered him that this strange girl was wearing his hat, although usually he'd sooner give up his ant farm than risk getting someone else's stray dandruff, hair follicles or (gulp) head lice! Walking backwards offended school conduct rules, but at that moment, Edd didn't give a dissected frogs green shiny butt!
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Chapter 2-Getting Better Aquaint-ED
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