in the short few hours he knew her, Edd could see
the vast chasms of difference between Melissa’s fast pace
life and his own. How he envied her, but on the same token,
how he felt scared at the thought of living a day in the
life of her parents.
“The story isnt over yet...” Melissa’a face grew sad. “About 8 years ago, everything was perfect. Next to Sarah Sparkle, Freddy Junior’s daughter and my mom’s best little friend, oh she was amazing Double Dee, she could sing opera at the age of”-
“You’re trailing off again ,Melissa!” Edd laughed. The story was shooting off in so many directions he felt like his head was going to explode.
“Sorry, Double Dee, I have a horrible tendency to do that!” Melissa apologised. "Deja vu..." Edy snortedto himself. “Um...what was I saying?” Melissa asked Edd.
“You were telling me about 8 years ag”
“Oh yeah!” she remembered. “ Apart from Sarah, our family was the biggest thing to hit Vegas since Blue Suede Shoes! We had retired, my mom wanting to devote her time to me, my sis and brother, but as far as nostalgia goes we were making a mint! Every now and then Mom and Dad would team up for casino openings and galas. We were comfortable, Double dee, you get me?”
“Oh, I get you!” Edd slurred, flabbergasted. Eddy simmered with envy as he eavesdropped. Why couldn’t HIS family be a Vegas act?!? Why couldn’t HE be a singing sensation?!?
“ I was only 3 but even then I knew I was gonna be famous! “ Melissa proclaimed confidently. “ But then...” her voice cracked. “everything fell apart...” Melissa gulped. “ Fred and”-

Eddy reached back and pulled Edd's arm before Melissa had chance to finish. Edd looked back at her apologetically. She returned it with a weary smirk.

"Sockhead?!? Dost my ears deceive me?!?" Eddy grunted excitedly.
"Is the latest Double D groupie from Vegas?!?"
"Don’t call her that, Eddy. It’s not respectable...whoops! How rude of me!" Edd scolded himself as seeing Melissa behind him reminded him of his manners. Eddy continue talking oblivously.
"Yeah, double dee is was, wasn't- huh?"

Eddy gaped as Edd politely held he door back for Melissa as she walked in.
"After you, miss!" Edd beamed.
"Why thank you kindly, sir!" Melissa giggled coquettishly.

"Sap!" Eddy hissed from the side his mouth.
"Chivalry, Eddy! look it up in the dictionary sometime!"
Snubbed Edd quietly. "anyway, why do
you resort to eavesdropping? It’s very rude!"
"Double D, she virtually told you her life story, how could
I not overhear?" argued Eddy stubbornly, booting his chair
out from under the desk and lounging back.

Edd sat down next
to him, watching Melissa put her photographs away from the
corner of his eye. 
She let out a soft sigh as she pulled out her books.
Edd blinked sadly and glanced at Eddy, who was tapping his fingers
rhythmically on the desk as he mumbled to himself in thought.
~With a bit of luck, Eddy didn't notice the Twinkle bit... and
we can bury this stupid Ed Vegas garbage and get on with expanding our minds, Edd hoped to himself. ~ "Yeah, Knock-knee, You're well in there, I know these things!" Eddy cackled. "Girls don't just blurt all their dark and deadly secrets to just anybody, y'know!" He sneered with a teasing prod on Edd's hand.

"Oh please, Eddy, as if!" Edd snorted pessimistically.
"She’s just homesick, that’s all. It’s difficult being the
new kid. You should know, Eddy. You pick on the new kids
all the time!"
"No I don’t! It’s called ‘breaking ‘em in gently’, Double D!
Y’know what they say, a little childhood trauma builds
character, puts hair on their chest!"
"You wanna try putting hairs on your own chest, Eddy."
Muttered Edd under his breath.
"There goes my trick ear again, You say something, Bumpkin?"
taunted Eddy, a cocky eyebrow
raised. Edd turned his eyes to the side with a cracked smirk to himself.

"Hey, what’s that?" said Edd, reaching for a note on the
teacher’s desk in front of him. He read it out loud;
"Dear Class, not in today because I have to go to the
doctor’s over bunion surgery." Read Edd, quivering in
disgust "Please work on your piano/guitar skills…um…Eddy?" LINK AT TOP