(PICS ON THE WAY...)) The whole class, hearing of the absence of the bunion-ridden music teacher, had scampered out of the room to do better things with their time, including Eddy. "he couldn’t even stay for me?!?" muttered Edd, feeling quite abandoned.
 "Ignorance must be bliss." He sighed, putting his steel guitar on his knee and looking carefully at the songsheet in front of him. It was that of "Proud Mary", a mega-retro Ike and Tina track.
 "I don’t know…I can never get the right rhythm with this track…and this instrument is sooooo annoying!" groaned Edd. Nevertheless, he plucked and picked his way through the intro., when he suddenly heard a strong female voice sing the first line.
"Well I left a good job in the city…"
Edd snapped around on his seat, startled.
"Working for a man every night and day…"
It was Melissa. and she was at the window, clicking her finger to the beat and singing along as if she was on a Vegas cabaret stage.
"And I never lost one minute of sleep…" She walked over to the grand piano next to Edd, still playing with second nature, and on "Worryin’bout the way things might have been", she joined in.
"Big wheel keep on turning…"
"Proud Mary keep on burning…" echoed Daisy on a higher note, standing in the doorway.
"And we’re rollin…" Daisy took a pair of drumsticks.
"Rollin…"she winked at Melissa and nodded at Edd.
"Rollin’ on a river…" Daisy tapped lightly on the cymbals, echoing them louder.
"And we’re rollin…" Melissa built up tension by teasing the piano notes from quiet to loud, making them melt in and out like waves in the tide. Edd added ambience by stroking the steel guitar in a Hawaiian echo.
"Rollin…" by this time Eddy was standing, agape in the doorway. He could hear the music from downstairs and had to see Sockhead jamming for himself.
"Rollin’on the river…"
"If you can’t beat ‘em, show off!" smirked Eddy, grabbing a saxophone
MELISSA=Cleaned a lot of plates in Memphis,
Pumped a lot of pain down in New Orleans,
But I never saw the good side of the city,
'Til I hitched a ride on a river boat queen!
Big wheel keep on turnin',
MELISSA/DAISY:Proud Mary keep on burnin',
MELISSA:And we're rollin'
REST:Rollin!, MELISSA: rollin' REST: rollin! MELISSA:Rollin' on the river!Rollin' REST:Rollin!, MELISSA: rollin' REST: rollin! MELISSA:Rollin' on the river!
"The river!" chorused Daisy and Melissa grandly, bringing the symphony to a climax. There was a couple of seconds silence before Daisy rapped the drumsticks together 4 times and the young musicians erupted into a orchestral orgy. Eddy playing the saxophone with all his might, and quite good, too! 
Edd, quite surprised, lost track of his strumming, but soon picked up when he caught a glimpse of Melissa gazing at him admiringly. He grinned broadly to himself and with a warm hazy feeling picked it right up again. Melissa tackled the grand oak piano while Daisy beat the Mississippi rhythm through the drums mercilessly. Edd irked in shock as he swore he saw Daisy grit he teeth angrily as if fighting some kind of monster.

"Well I left a good job ‘n th’ city!" sang Melissa, Eddy echoing with the sax like a real blues brotha’!
"Workin’ fo, a man ev’ry night an’ day!" Melissa’s soulful version of a New Orleans accent filled the music corridor, and her sister harmonised with her on "En I neva lost one minute a’sleep, worryin’ ‘bout the way things might ‘ave been" the harmony was passionate, and Edd tapped his foot rhythmically along to it.
"Big wheel keep on turnin!’" shouted Melissa, punching the air.
"Proud Mary, keep on burnin!" Echoed Daisy with as much spirit.
"And we’re rollin’! Rollin’! Rollin’ on a river!" Eddy and Daisy bellowed twice shimmying back-to-back, Daisy still showing those drums who was boss.

"Give it up,Do-Do-Do! Do-Do-Do-Do! Do-Do-Dooooo!" Daisy thrashed out the series of notes, mixing flirtatiously with Edd’s steel guitar, Eddy’s saxophone and Melissa’s ferocious piano playing. The instruments collided and Daisy killed the Proud Mary beast with a final bang! ( PICS BY RACH) LINKS AT TOP