Edd brimmed with pride, but shrivelled up like a weed when he heard the chaotic applause of about 20 passers-by standing at the doorway.
"Bow to your audience, Double D!" sneered Eddy, lapping up the attention.
Gingerly, Edd stood up and nodded his head gratefully.
"Gracious, Eddy! I had no idea you could play the saxophone!" gushed Edd.
"Oh sure! My brother taught me…before he went away!" Eddy grinned smugly.
"My…for someone who’s spent half their life in detention centres and military camps your brother sure does have a lot of knowledge to pass on!" pondered Edd. Eddy knew there was an insult in there somewhere, but was too impatient to work it out. Instead he sauntered up to Daisy and Melissa, who were hugging triumphantly.
"Still ain’t lost your touch with the old drums eh, baby sis?" cooed Melissa, rapping Daisy’s head with her knuckles playfully.
"Do that again and I’ll break your neck." Scowled Daisy, wriggling free and rubbing her head. Melissa tutted
what are you doing playing hooky again, Daisy?"
"Boiling eggs, lamebrain! What's it to ya?" she snorted obnoxiously.
"So ladies…I hear you’ve come all the way to our fair Peach Creek from Las Vegas, hmm?" purred Eddy.
"What’s it to you, smurf?" jeered Daisy. Melissa digged her sharply with her elbow. Eddy gave her an incinerating look.
"Ow! What was that for?!?" she moaned.
"Eddy, please excuse my sister, she’s somewhat lacking in social skills." Said Melissa, glaring at her. Daisy smiled smarmily.
"Not my fault she looks like a Hyena with a hernia!" he hissed to Edd, just loud enough for her to hear. She snarled and folded her arms dismissively. Trying to change the subject, Melissa turned to Edd.
"that was amazing, Edd! We’ll have to jam again sometime!"
"yes we really really must" slurred Edd in a monotone looking at the wall past her, mesmerised by his own swamping feelings of social inferiority.

"And Eddy!" she exclaimed, putting her hands on his upper arms enthusiastically. "You were out of this world! I’m speechless! I mean the saxophone is one of the most complicated instruments there is, and you made it look so easy! Oh the adrenaline rush I got when I heard you play in the chor"
"I thought you were speechless!" snapped Daisy, noticing Eddy’s already Titanic-sized ego inflate even further. "C’mon Mel, I’m hungry! I wanna get home before the corridor gets packed!…"
"Wait!" squealed Melissa, wrenching herself back into the music room from Daisy’s tyrannical grip.
"Eddy, Double D!" she gasped. " How would you feel about starting a band up? We played like magic just then, it’s obvious we’ve got real group chemistry!"
Edd blushing violently, looked at Eddy, then looked at Melissa with a hunted gazelle look in his eyes.
"I dunno Melissa, I don’t play well in front of crowds"-
"Sure we will!" interrupted Eddy, his clammy hand over Edd’s sterilised mouth. "I felt the buzz back there with you three, we gotta do this!" he grimaced.
"Okay, how about we get together at my place tonight and rehearse?"
Edd felt his stomach do somersaults. Melissa was inviting him back to her place! He felt dizzy with the excitement of it all.
"are you okay, Double D?" asked Melissa, concerned.
"He’ll live!" snorted Eddy, picking a lifeless and sickly- green Edd up off the floor. "He always gets like this when he’s in love."
"Eddy!" Edd hissed, semi-coherent.
"Melissa!" screeched Daisy impatiently.
"Right, I’d better go. She who must be obeyed beckoneth!"
"I know the feeling." Whined Edd, looking disdainfully at Eddy.
"Okay…hey, where do you guys live again?" asked Melissa with an embarrassed laugh.
"Why, the liddle cul-de-sac up yonder, my lovely Melissa!" smarmed Eddy, pointing at the clutch of houses through the window.
"Hey, I live just around the corner from there!"
"Really?!? Where?!?" enquired Edd, his curiosity teased.
"Pineapple Place."
"That big huge house with the 20-metre driveway, 6 bedrooms, party function suite and-gasp!-built-in bingo room?!?!?!?" squealed Eddy, drooling and pouncing on Melissa’s hips while holding on hungrily to her collar.
"Yeah…"She picked him up and dropped him on the floor in distaste. She turned away from him to talk to Edd, who was still in paralytic shock over the thought of going to a girl’s house, especially this girl’s house!!!

"Oh it’s amazing, Double D!" she sighed. "My grandmother has lighting and everything installed and sometimes I switch them all on…and…I’m back home again in beautiful Vegas…oh, how I miss her!" she lamented.
"sounds…um…breathtaking!" wheezed Edd.
"Oh it is! It truly is!" she cried with her hands clasped together under her chin. "I can’t wait until we jam there, it’ll be so awesome! Anyway boys, gotta fly! See ya later!"
"Not if we see you first!" winked Eddy, clicking his finger at her. She smiled and joined her sister. Eddy’s phoney smile crashed and burned as soon as she left the room.
"Wow, hold the Oscar! Betty Davis has just left the building!" he skitted antagonistically. "What’s up with you, Sockhead?" he eeked, seeing Edd hanging onto a chair for support.
"I can’t! I can’t go, Eddy!" Edd pleaded. " I can’t be in a band, I don’t know if my blood sugar level can take such a calibre of stress and social focus!"
"relax, Mr chill-pill!" croaked Eddy. "C’mon, I gotta show you something."
"I hope it’s clean." Moaned Edd pessimistically as Eddy hauled him up the textile stairs.