Viva Ed Vegas Introduction-Mud Sling-Edd
Viva Ed Vegas Chapter One-Eds Will Roll
Chapter Two-Getting Better Aquainted
Chapter Three-Put The Ed Into Action
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E-mail The Eds!
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Now Playing:Supercalafredgalisticaspealidocious...or the improbreaker Song, whichever you prefer!
"Hmm…this is very strange!" said Edd methodically as he studied the recipe. "The ingredients your brother wrote down are very unusual…and in all honesty I doubt their hygiene qualities."
"Lemme see!" snapped eddy, tugging on the blueprint.
"Careful, Eddy! It’ll rip!" scolded Edd. "I’m going to key this into IMPRO in case we forget anything."
Edd walked towards the improbreaker machine and pressed a series of buttons. Ed plonked himself on the bike.
"I was born to be wired, Double D!" he laughed, pretending to rev it up like a motorbike. "Brum, brum, neeeeeeeeeeeeow, eeeeeeerch!"
"I’m sure you were, Ed." Smirked Edd, carrying a tub of sucrose hydroxolide and a bumper-pack of ice-cream.
"C’mon, Already! I ain’t gettin’ any younger over here!" complained Eddy.
"Ed…commence bicycle rotation, please!" commanded Edd.
"Yep…there it goes…yep…my brain stopped!"
"Pedal, lumpy!" hissed Eddy.
"Oh yeah!…hur ha ha hur!" Ed began pedalling furiously on the bike, making the flames spring up on the improbreaker furnace. "It’s alive! It’s alive!" he yelled.
"DOUBLE D…Improbreaker Production Sequence Initiated." Bleeped IMPRO.
"Right…here we go!" said Edd stepping up onto a stepladder to pour the first ingredient into the mixing funnel. The procedure went something like this:
Edd: Chunky puffs, candy fluff, cinnamon and nutmeg
Scrape together all the bits of
last years Easter Sunday egg
Treacle, Sugar, honey too-
Eddy: Don’t forget the superglue
Edd+Eddy: To stick it all together and now we
have got a centre!
Eddy Jellatin, thick or thin, it really doesn’t matter
Secret sauce for breaker cores
is Gatorade and batter
Mixed together with some crumbled gingerbread-
Ed:And gravy!
Eddy:Sorry beandip, maybe you should go and join the Navy!
Edd Honey wax for hairy backs,
I don’t think Rolf will miss it
Ed On Sarah’s plate I found this cake
Edd I hope she hasn’t kissed it!
Melissa’s got a thing for chocolate kisses-
Eddy How would you know?!?
I know you’ve got a thing for her,
I wish you would just say so!
Edd As I was saying ‘fore I was so rudely Interrupted
I need sucrose hydroxolide that hasn’t been corrupted
By air or damp, I get a cramp when I think of the microbes
That lurk around this rare compound- make sure you hold on Ed’s nose!
Eddy Toothpaste that has gone to waste
cos Ed, he just won’t use it!
Ice cream should go down a dream,
and now we’ll try to fuse it-
Edd Together with the centre in the
improbreaker oven-
Ed Put pedal to the medal- (at this point
Ed gets his tongue stuck to the mixing
spoon trying to lick it.)
Eddy Double D, you gotta love ‘im!

Pic By Rach
"I love this music, it is so shiny!" squawked Rolf from outside the garage.
"I smell something Dorky, Rolf." Growled Kevin.
"No, that’s Nana drying her bedsocks off the heat from papa's ripened cheeks!." Corrected Rolf.
Edd put his ear to the door.
"It’s Rolf and Kevin!" squeaked Edd.
"Get rid of them!"snapped Eddy.
Edd ran to the side door. Rolf and Kevin stood there, Kevin nursing his face with a bag of frozen peas, Rolf with his accordion.
"Hello Kevin, Rolf." Welcomed Edd. "What can I do for you?"
"Brainiac Ed-boy!" piped Rolf. "I must speak with the manager of the Erupting Eds!"
"Um…we don’t have a manager, Rolf!"
"Like a snail has no shell-suit on his back, you don’t! Bring me Tree Stump Stature Eddy!"
"Eddy!" called Edd. "Rolf wishes to consult you over the band."
"How does he know?!? Oh all right, all right!" Groaned Eddy as he walked out of the darkness of the garage to speak with them. He noticed Kevin holding the bag of peas to his swollen face and sniggered with delight.
"Wow, that’s one heck of a shiner, Kev!" he cackled.
"I’ll shine you, Dork!" snorted Kevin, running towards him. Rolf tripped him up with his canoe-like shoe.
"C’mon, C’mon, ladies! Time’s money, gimme the spiel!" Spat Eddy.
"Hot-Shot Ed-Boy!" Rolf chirped. " I have come to offer my services in the Ed-Boy Eruption band as accordion player-listen and learn, yes?"
Rolf teeted and tooted on the rusty old accordion, hopping from one banana foot to the other. Ed came to the door to listen to the "harmonious" music. He grabbed hold of Kevin’s arm and began jigging with him.

"You’re too fat for me! I’m too fat for you!" he crooned along, swinging Kevin in every direction.
"Kevin’s not going to get out of this story alive, is he?" muttered Edd.
"We ain’t that lucky,Double-D." snarled Eddy sarcastically.
"Man, you’re dead meat!" howled Kevin, chasing Ed around the garden.
"Ed, you dolt! Get back on the machine!" shouted Eddy.
"I think Ed’s got bigger things on his plate right now, Eddy." Gulped Edd. "I’ll take over from here."
"Kevin’s gone mad!" screeched Ed as he headed for the garage side-door, the rabid Kevin pursuing him mercilessly. Eddy ushered him in before slamming it on Kevin.
"Sorry, we’re closed!" He taunted through the glass at him. Kevin kicked the door with his caste.
"Yeowch!" he yelped, hopping around on one foot. " Just wait, Dorks!" he hissed, shaking his fist as he hobbled away. "Nothing tricky now, eddy! You know that I'm on top of you so don't even ATTEMPT to grow a brain!" he warned.
"Everybody now!" cheered Rolf.
"Is he still playing that thing?!?" said Eddy in ridicule.
"If I hear any more of that cursed instrument I may resort to criminal insanity!" whined Edd, putting ear-plugs in as he cycled on the bike.
"DOUBLE D…" flashed on IMPRO’s screen. " 3 Minutes Fusion Sequence Remaining."
"Eureka!" cried Edd. "The first ever improbreaker is almost ready, Eddy!"
"Ready-Eddy! I like the sound of that!" sneered Eddy triumphantly.
Edd strained as he tried his best to speed up the pedals with his little feet. The machine rattled and rolled as the concoction bubbled furiously inside the furnace.
"Keep up the good work, Double D!" urged Eddy, lounging on a deck chair with a glass of lemonade.
"Yum-Yum!" drooled Ed as he stepped up on the frame of the machine to dabble his finger in the mixture.
 "Ed, Don’t, you’ll knock it over!!!!" screeched Edd as the machine teetered and shook, the flames bouncing and licking the furnace. Edd tried to steady the machine with his foot. Ed lost his balance and swung like a monkey off the 12-foot tall machine.
"Eddy, get him down!" Edd pleaded.
"Okay, okay, I’m coming already!" he moaned.
"I’m scared Eddy!" whined Ed, hanging onto IMPRO’s 8 foot tall support beam.
"Here I come, butterball!" Eddy grabbed ahold of his ankles and proceeded to dangle himself off them like a keyring!
"Stop! Desist! Refrain! Abstain! Hold! Halt! Enough psychological torment, already!" howled Edd, his leg quaking with the pressure. Suddenly Ed let go, and the machine wobbled back into place. Edd sighed with relief, but gasped when he noticed the huge burnt stain on the side of the capsule.
"What have you done?!? My masterpiece, ruined!" he lamented, running towards it.
"Don’t have a cow, Double D, Jeez!" shrugged Eddy, peeling Ed off him.
"Double D" blooped IMPRO. " Fusion Sequence Complete"
"Oh no! I can’t bare to look! It’s bound to be totally decrepit and vile and…splendid!"
The Eds gaped in awe as the capsule unfolded to reveal a jawbreaker unlike any they had witnessed before. It was in a word-groovy! It burst with shades of burnt orange and emerald green, colliding strongly with stripes of aquamarine and fuschia pink.
"It seems Ed’s inadvertedly created a new jawbreaker through his scrounging of the mix!" exclaimed Edd. "The flames hit it in places it wouldn’t have reached without his great weight throwing it out of balance!" He picked it up and shoved it into Ed’s mouth.
"What are you doing?!?" protested eddy greedily.
"I’m taking our baby for a test drive, Eddy!" smiled Edd. "Well, Ed, how does it taste?"
"I am experiencing a huge undercurrent of euphoria and satisfaction to my sharpened and ingenuity-hungry tastebuds. Never before have I been confronted with such a riveting and sensual flavour of confectionery." Slurped Ed. Edd and Eddy stood frozen in shock for about ten seconds.
"It seems the volatile nature of our creation has aroused the sparse population of dormant grey matter within the confines of Ed’s brain." Observed Edd, finally breaking the silence.
"Are you feeling alright, chowderhead?" asked Eddy, putting his palm to Ed’s head. Ed sucked and dribbled on the delicious candy before saying-----
"Jimmy cracked corn and I don’t care!"
Edd and Eddy rolled their eyes wearily.
"Well that didn’t last long!" Eddy snorted.
"Looks like I’ll have to refigure the balance structure of the machine so we can make some more ---VegaBreakers!" cheered Edd. "Whaddya think of the name, Eddy?"
"I’m diggin it, chief!" Eddy strutted to the window, looking out over the unsuspecting Peach Creek.
"We’ve created a monster, Double D!" sniggered Eddy, a malicious grin across his face. "Perfect!"