Viva Ed Vegas Introduction-Mud Sling-Edd
Viva Ed Vegas Chapter One-Eds Will Roll
Chapter Two-Getting Better Aquainted
Chapter Three-Put The Ed Into Action
Chapter Four-We've Creat-ED a Monster
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Now Playing:Barry White-Love's Theme-Eddy's saying in his sleep what he daren't say when he's awake...yet!
"Of course you love me Daisy!...I love me too!" slobbered Eddy in his sleep, squeezing mercilessly on one of his pillows.He rolled around as the alarm clock rattled and rang on his bedside.The light of the morning sun shone down through the venetian blinds, and Eddy, still asleep ducked under the covers."Hey,,," he purred, snuggling up to the pillow.
"If I said you had a beautiful body would you hold it against"-
"Dog pile!!!!"
"W-o-o-aaargh!!!!" Eddy screeched as Ed and Edd leapt through the door onto his bed. He threw the very-mauled pillow at Edd. "What, are you nuts?!?
"Ha ha!" he giggled. "Revenge is a dish best served at breakfast, Eddy!" he smirked smugly, standing on the headboard.
"You’ve got sleepies in your eyes, Eddy!" announced Ed as he backed him into a wall to personally scrape them out.
"Don’t wreck your brain, Ed!" snapped Eddy as he waved him away. "Speaking of revenge…Hey Eds…check it out!"
Eddy shunted a clump of flyers at Ed and Edd.
"An all-new Extravaganza…Viva Ed Vegas?!?" read Edd out loud in terror. "You’re seriously suggesting we put these up in the school for everyone to laugh at?!? I’ll never live it down!" he swooned.
"Lighten up, Double D. The main audience has to be from school, they’re the pigeons who lay the biggest eggs, my friend!"
"over easy…yum!" slurped Ed.
"How do you theorise that, Eddy?" asked Edd suspiciously, his arms folded.
"C’mon, figure it out, Einstein!" snapped Eddy, pulling his t-shirt on. "School with a population of over 800 kids…more then half with Saturday jobs and more loo-laa than your average Johnny 2X4…chi-ching! If we charge 50c admission fee and times that by 800, then we’ve got…" pondered Eddy "um…well a lot, anyways!" he shrugged.
"400 dollars." Slurred Edd.
"What?!?" gaped Eddy, his eyes alight. Edd came out of his overwhelming daze and shook his head.
"Huh…that’s even if they’d show, Eddy! We’ll be lucky if the kids from the cul-de-sac show!"
"Watch this space, Double D!" sniggered Eddy. " I did these yesterday on my dad’s laptop. Ain’t they swingin’?" he boasted.
"They’re the cat’s tuxedo, Eddy!" marvelled Ed as he looked at all the glittery swirls and sweeps through the lavish calligraphy.
"Got it in one, bloatboy!" Eddy headed for his walk-in wardrobe and pulled out two pieces of paper.
He unravelled the recipe for the Mother of All Breakerbombs that his brother handed to him, And handed Ed and Edd a list of things to get that day to add to the concoction.
"Boy, those Kankers are in trouble!" he sniggered devilishly.
Where will we get these various ingredients from, Eddy?" Edd asked.
"Anywhere and Everywhere, Sockhead! Knock yourself out! Oh I can’t believe it’s tomorrow!" He squeaked with glamorous excitement.
"Tomorrow?!?" shrieked Edd. "then that means…."
