Viva Ed Vegas Introduction-Mud Sling-Edd
Viva Ed Vegas Chapter One-Eds Will Roll
Chapter Two-Getting Better Aquaint-ED
Chapter Three-Put the Ed into Action
Chapter Four-We've Created A Monster
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NOW PLAYING......Madonna-Skin It's crunch time for Edd...
(pic by Rach)
"She took that well!" shrugged Ed, fishing Eustace out of the chrysanthemums.
"Now you’ve done it, Eddy!" scolded Edd, shooting him an icy look as he watched Melissa dart around the corner, trying desperately to shield her head.
"Done what, what did I do?!?" said Eddy defensively. "Only having a laugh. Double D. Lighten up."
"A laugh?!? Only having a laugh?!? Bellowed Edd, marching towards him, fists clenched, eyes ablaze and every vein in his face popping out. Shocked, Eddy backed towards the garage door.
Ed hid with Eustace under the improbreaker machine. He knew it was really bad if Edd got angry.
"Oh no, Double knock-knee’s on the rampage, I’m sooooooooo petrified!" cackled Edd, pointing patronisingly at Edd, who looked at him disdainfully and said;
"Oh Ed…will you do the honours?"
"Roger Ramjet, Double D!" bleeted Ed, squirming out from under the improbreaker machine and putting Eustace in his pocket. "I practised!" he laughed as he hurled the half-pint Eddy into the base of the capsule butt-first.
"Sitting on top of a barbecue waiting to be grilled can be quite daunting, huh, little Eddy?" said Edd smugly.
"I’m not little!" squeaked Eddy, writhing frantically like a lizard in a lunch box. No matter how much he wriggled and squirmed, fidgeted and flapped Eddy’s butt stuck fast to the gooey residue of the last Vegabreaker batch.
"Only a laugh, Eddy. That’s all it is!" sneered Edd.
"And your point is?" eddy croaked. Edd’s face grew dim.
"You’ve humiliated that poor girl with what you did!"
"Oh, stop the press, I put a stinkin’ rat on her shoulders. Oh call out the National Guard!"
"Her hat came off, Eddy!"spat Edd. "You’ve scarred her for life! As the wearer of a hat in my everyday existencd I feel her pain!" sniffled Edd.
"C’mon, Double D! Stop being a baby like her!" he hissed. "So I upset her applecart a tad"-
"Tad?!?" shrieked Edd. "A tad, Eddy ?!? You’ve destroyed any chance I ever had of her liking me!" he spat.
"Wha-wha-what?!? Is that all that matters to you, Double D?!?Lovey Dovey stuff?!? Think about something more important-like-how to get your face on a dollar bill!" he grinned.
"What is it, Ed?" groaned Eddy.
"How can my feet smell if they don’t have a nose?"
Edd looked at Ed, Then at Eddy, who in turn looked at Ed, who looked back at them in all seriousness.
"As I was saying before Ed’s memorable anecdote of eternal wisdom…" barked Edd sarcastically after a few moments of confused silence. "Now we don’t have any chance of getting a casino up and running by tomorrow nite, Missy Twinkle and The Erupting Eds may as well not exist, we’ve got over 50 Vegabreakers and no Vegapigeons whatsoever, so what, pray tell, do we do now?!?!?"
Eddy rolled his eyes.
"Well, it’s no good hanging around doing a Betty Davis about it. We’re in a hole, boys!" he said with bravado. "Just gonna have to dig ourselves out!"
((Do I Know you from somewhere...?))
Edd looked away and saw Melissa’s hat on the driveway.
((Why do you leave me wanting more?...))
((Why do all the things I say Sound like the stupid things I've said... before?...))The dark clouds were gathering and it was starting to rain. He ran out and picked it up gently.
((Put your hand on my skin...))
He felt the soft lamb’s wool in his hands and finally said:
"For once, you’re right, you’re absolutely right, Eddy."
"Of course I’m right!"snapped Eddy. "Now get me down!"
"Can’t do." Said Edd superciliously. "There’s something more important right now, do you understand?"
"What? Don’t tell me you’re gonna run after her Double"-
"Eddy, this is not how it’s going to be anymore!" Hissed Edd. "From the word Go I stood back and bit my tongue when you insulted that girl behind her back again, and again, and again! All she ever was was completely amiable to you, and how do you return the favour? You take out your petty jealousies on her prized possession!" he scowled, pointing at the lifeless tapestry lying on the floor.
"Yeah, but that was an accident and you know it!" Eddy defended.
"Accident or not, you showed nothing but contempt for her, even when she was at her lowest, and that tells me you’re jealous!You’re jealous because she has everything and is everything you’ve ever wanted and you can’t take it that she was born into it!Look at you!…It’s written all over your face!"
"Why you!" roared Eddy, kicking frantically to get free. Ed pushed him back down. Edd looked at him snootily as he continued.
"And if you call yourself my friend, then I’m ashamed to allow such shoddy character within a friend of mine. And another thing! I’m no longer going to be here at every whim to do all of the dirty work and let you get all the credit, Eddy!" he snarled angrily. " I’ ve got better things to do than be your lacky. So like I said, you’re right! It’s about time I do something!"
((Kiss me, I'm dying...))
Edd stormed out of the garage as Ed peeled Eddy out of the furnace like an old piece of gum.
((Put your hand on my skin...))
Eddy stumbled after him.
"Oh…Thanks so much, Mr perfect!" he screeched, watching Edd scramble around the fence. " I’m such a hack! How could I forget that you’re the only person in the whole stinkin’ world who doesn’t make mistakes!" On the last word he felt a numbing lump in his throat as he watched his best friend disappear into the distance. He threw the tapestry on the ground angrily, and stared when he noticed the banner across the picture of the Candybeets saying "Nil Satis Nisi Optimum."
"Nothing but the best is good enough!" slurped Ed.
"Ed…you’ve found a brain!" squeaked Eddy. "How do you know Latin?!?"
((I close my eyes...))
"Travis supports Everton...didn't you see the huge banner in the studio?" he put Eustace on his head.
"Who?!?" irked Eddy, snatching the rat from him.
"Soccer’s where it’s at, Eddy, get with it! Hur-ha-ha-hur!" laughed Ed as they headed back into the garage.
((I need to make a connection...))
Edd scarpered through the bushes and irked as the twigs dug into his shirt.
((I'm walking on a thin line...))
Melissa's face flashed sharply through his mind as he squinted his eyes and pushed through the branches leading to the dirtpath cutting through Peach Creek wood.
((I close my eyes...))
The grand Pineapple Place house glowed as the lighting rolled and the clouds encircled it. Edd gulped and hauled himself over the fence.
((I close my eyes!...))
((Do I know you from somewhere?...))
SLAM! Melissa swung the front door shut and stomped up the stairs. Travis' Ray Of Light CD was blasting out of his open bedroom door.
((Why Do you leave me wanting more?...))
"Hey, happiness! Whats up with your mush?" snorted Travis, walking out to greet her, holding a henna body art pencil.
"Look Spiky, dont start with me!" hissed Melissa as she stood by the door looking into the shadowy confines of his domain.
((Why do all the things I say, Sound like the stupid things I've said ...before?...))
"What the-paperbag alert!" squealed Daisy, heading up the stairs.
"Daisy, I swear, dont push it!" scowled Melissa, pointing threateningly.
W-what happened?" asked Travis with a mixture of concern and stifled laughter.
"Excuse me, bub! Jimmys still waiting for his-oh my gosh!" gaped Sarah at the doorway with a hint of amusement. So Melissa was not-so-flawless after all...
"Sarah?!?" exclaimed Melissa. "Trav, I know you like them young and baby-faced, but Sarah?!?"
"Please" snorted Travis sarcastically.
"He wishes!" sneered Sarah, arms folded but with a coy smile.
"What are you doing letting everyone see me, Trav?!? Are you nuts?!?" spat Melissa, pulling her top over her head.
"What happened, Mel?!?" peeped Sarah with a phony air, taking her hand.
"Its a long story, Sarah." Said Melissa trustingly, shaking her head. Melissa couldn't help but feel the strangest sense of deja-vu around her, as vice-versa.
"I bet those Eds had something to do with it!" grunted Kevin, hobbling up the stairs with Rolf. Daisy looked at him patronisingly. He looked down, intimidated. "Uh hey Daisy." He slurred.
"Hi Kevin" she smirked with satisfaction.
"Stop it, Daisy!" warned Melissa.
"What what did I do?!?" she objected. "hey-ho" she shrugged her shoulders.
"whos up for pizza?"
"Me,Me,Me,Me,Me!" everyone chorused, except Kevin and Melissa.
"Aint you hungry, Kevin?" Daisy asked.
"Well, I, ur, um, I er a little maybe." He mumbled.
"Rolfs belly is as empty as nanas purse after a half-price pastry sale!" sighed Rolf.
"Man, youre cute, Rolf!" she purred.
"Youre not looking so crusty yourself, Kung-Fu-Fighting Daisy-girl!" he chuckled with flirtatious mirth. Kevin looked on, bemused. Linking Rolfs arm, and draping Kevins arm over her shoulders, Daisy escorted the two lads into Travis room.
"I take it were even, then?" asked Kevin with apprehension.
"Oh yeah, were even!" she piped, dropping him down onto Travis ebony couch-bed with a thud. "You want me to get a cold press for your cheek, Kev?" she asked nicely, yet with a certain dominance.
"Ur Im okay, thanks." Answered Kevin with a defeated smile as he covered it with his hand. "What?" he asked Rolf with a snarl when he noticed his stifled laughter.
"Coochy-coochy-coo!" Rolf cooed as Daisy walked downstairs towards the phone to order the pizza.
"youre a freak, Dude!" said Kevin, shaking his head and leaning forward on his arms.
"I smell it, Kevin! You have the tingly-tinglies for go-go Daisy girl!" he laughed, slapping him on the back.
"Get real, Rolf!" denied Kevin, reddening.
"Is Victor next?" he chortled. " Half- eaten cheese Trav-boy, do you hear this?"
"oh yeah I hear it!" sighed Travis, shaking his head with a confused smile. " And I aint likin it! Thats my baby sister you two puttypods are droolin over!" he said jokingly. "Back of the queue, fellas!"
"Form an orderly line behind Rolf!" Rolf squarked. He and Travis exploded with boyish laughter, and Kevin tried hard not to join in, but saw the funny side and was chuckling past himself soon enough.
"Which tattoo are you getting, Plank?" asked Johnny, with the catalogue of designs on his knee. "Im getting the Skull, Fire and Snake-dagger combo! youre getting a Prince What?!?"
"Tattoos?" irked Melissa. "Youre giving 9-year-olds tattoos?!?"
"Only wash-off henna ones and transfers, jeez! Dont have a coronary!" snorted Travis. He walked back over to Jimmy, who was sitting on a little stool with his sweater rolled up.
"It meanth "Fashion ith Liberty" in japanethe, tharah!" gushed Jimmy as Travis carefully drew the pattern on.
"Its totally beautiful, Jimmy!" smiled Sarah, her hands clasped admiringly. "Im getting this one!" she snatched the catalogue off Plank and pointed to a colourful transfer design.
"A maiden of the the thea whee!" giggled Jimmy. " I love mermaidths, theyre tho romantic!"
((Kiss me, I'm trying...))
Suddenly an extremely courteous rapping on the front door was heard.
Melissas heart sunk heavily.
((To see inside of your soul...))
"Its Double D, Id know that knock anywhere!" she flapped, heading for her room, her top still tugged over her head.
((I close my eyes...))
"Tell him Im not in, Travis, okay?" she shouted after him as he headed for the door.
((I need to feel protection... I'm not like this all the time... I close my eyes...))
"Whatever." he muttered as he wrenched the door back.
((I close your eyes!))
Sure enough, it was Edd, puffing and panting through running as fast as his little legs could go. He stood there, his face flustered and sweating profusely.
"Hey, D-man!" smirked Travis, his arms folded. "Wanna tat? On the house for band members!"
((Do I know you from somewhere?...))
"Um no thank you." Wheezed Edd. "Id like to speak with Melissa, please."
"Im not home!" she shouted over the blasting music.
((Why do you leave me wanting more...?))
"Melissa!" Edd called up the stairs. "Please, this is ridiculous!"
((Why do all the things I say sound like the stupid things I've said...before?))
"Whats going on?" perked Daisy as she poked her nose out nosily. "What up, Double D? hey, were ordering pizza...what happened?"
"Um, Im not hungry right now, thank you." Said Edd firmly, choking down his nervousness. "I just want to speak with"-
"Now's not a good time." She dismissed. Edd became annoyed and, very much against his character-and common sense-he shoved past Daisy and Travis with as very little force as he could get away with.
((Kiss me I'm dying!))
"Hey, whaddya think youre doing, Double D?" she shouted, turning on her heels to grab him.
"Let him go, Daisy!" said Travis, pulling her back.
((Put your hand on my skin!))
"No! He upset Mel and its not on!" she wriggled free and leapt up the stairs, 4 at a time, to catch up with Edd. She jumped in front of him. "Look, buster!" she hissed. "I dunno what happened back there with you and Mel but she doesnt want to talk, so my advice to you is to turn right around, capiche?"
"This is absurd-Melissa!" he cried over Daisys shoulder towards Melissas bedroom. Sarah perked up and with a stinging envy raced to the door to eavesdrop.
((I close my eyes...))
"Look, will you just go, Double D, please!" Daisy urged, pushing him back.
((I need to feel protection...))
"Hey, Double Dork, you heard her!" snorted Kevin, hopping out of the room. "Now get lost before I introduce you to my knuckles!"
"Hey, I can handle this myself, thanks." Said Daisy irritatedly.
"Back off, Daisy!" Melissas voice warned from the confines of her bedroom.
((I close my eyes...))
"Hey, whadda you trippin on me, for?!?" flustered Daisy. "It was Kevin who threatened him!"
"It aint a threat, girl" snarled Kevin, lasering Edd with his eyes. "Its a promise!"
((I close my eyes!))
Edd shirked with fear, yet indignantly stood his ground. The thunder screamed outside the landing window, but Edd lingered on. Sarah snarled when his growing devotion to Melissa virtually slapped her in the face.
"Yeah well, keep your promises to yourself for the time being, Kevin." Said Melissa with a firm tone from behind the door.
"Man I cant win, can I?" complained Kevin, shaking his head. Daisy followed him into the room. With a huff Sarah went back in too.
((Do I know you from somewhere...))
"Youre on your own, dude!" chuckled Travis as he closed the door. Edd took a deep breath and stepped up to the door...
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