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"Safe and sound, my little babies!" cooed Eddy as he lovingly
stroked the boxes. Edd looked around him.
"Where’s Ed?" he asked.
"Burrhead was taken to the hospital with a septic piranha finger
again, Double D. He had it in his mouth all day." muffled Eddy as
he rummaged through his closet to make room for the candy coated
"He wasn’t trying to hug Tippy again?!?" groaned Edd, slapping
his forehead wearily.

He grunted as a pair of heart-print underwear landed on his head thanks to Eddy's renovating.
"I think his eyebrow’s getting too heavy for his head!" sniggered Eddy, dragging a huge recipe book from the confines of his wardrobe.

"Einstein’s ghost! What in Heaven’s name is that?" gasped Edd, scurrying over to Eddy in severe curiosity.
"This, my chin-el-grando friend" mocked Eddy "is my brother’s closely-guarded recipe book for the Mother Of All Breakerbombs! This is it, Double-D! The end of the Rainbow!"
Eddy hurled the old ledger across the room onto his bed. Edd noticed a large piece of folded-up paper fall out and caught it. His eyes widened as he opened it up.
My word!" he exclaimed. "your brother’s drawing skills are deplorable, Eddy!"
"Gimme that!" snatched Eddy, slightly tearing the parchment. "Whoa! Check it out, Double D! it’s an unfinished blueprint for an…" Eddy squinted as he tried to read the big words. "Im…pro…breaker Machine!" cackled Eddy.
"Beg your pardon?" puzzled Edd.
"Read it, boy wonder!" pecked Eddy impatiently.
"Hmm…what can I say, Eddy. It’s a doodle of a machine that possesses no serious internal mechanism structure, it’s coloured in outside the lines just as much as in. No no, wait!" he exclaimed. "there is some writing here…it’s…"
Eddy watched Edd’s eyes shift from one side to the other as he read.
"A poem…appears to be some kind of recipe, Eddy."
"What’s it say?!? What’s it say?!?" squawked Eddy excitedly, clambering onto the bed to stand up and see over Edd’s shoulders. Edd shrugged him off briskly.
"Respect my personal space, please!"
"All right already, don’t have a bird!" huffed Eddy, bouncing down on his butt with a thud sulkily.
"Well, it appears this is the blueprint, the very building blocks for a machine that can make emergency jawbreakers out of ordinary household materials, Eddy!" Edd declared.
"You mean I’ve been going cold turkey for nothing all these years when I didn’t have even one lousy nickel to get one from the candy store?!?" Eddy complained, folding his arms and scowling bitterly.

"Not necessarily, Eddy." Said Edd, rolling the blueprint up into a scroll. "I said "emergency". The chances of the jawbreakers made by this machine tasting nearly as good as the candy store jawbreakers are a million to one. There’s so many intricate ingredients to them." He lamented. "And, if I was perfectly honest, if we were to create such a machine, we’d virtually have to start from scratch"-
Do you see what I see, Double D?!?" squealed Eddy giddily, standing on Edd’s hips and clinging parasitically to his collar.
"you’re scaring me more than usual, Eddy!" peeped Edd, prizing him off.
"We could make hundreds, thousands, hundreds of thousands of improbreakers for the casino!" He piped, jumping up and down on his bed like a cat on a hot tin roof.
"That's it!" he screeched. "We could buy Kevin out with our fake jawbreakers!"
Eddy clambered at Edd's shirt.
"This is it, Double Dee! No more living on the edge of society for us, bay-bee! We're gonna be frolicking in cherry- flavoured cola from here on in!" Eddy punched the air as he headed for the window and flung it open before yelling "The future's coming on, world!! Bootleg Eddy's coming to town!!!" Edd tapped Eddy's shoulder.
"I don’t know Eddy, your brother didn’t leave me a lot to work with." Said Edd, rubbing his chin as he studied the blueprint again. "Oh! Burst my bubble why doncha???" snapped Eddy in protest. Edd shrugged. "Well, I better get started now, I suppose." Edd headed for the door.
"Wait, Double D! You can’t! We’re going to what’s-her-name’s"
"Oh, I was hoping you wouldn’t remind me, Eddy!" whined Edd, slumping against the garage door.
"Uh-oh!" sniggered Eddy.
"what?" asked Edd. "is it my breath?" he panicked, blowing on his hand.
"you like her!"
"No I-…no I don’t!" snapped Edd, turning a rouge colour, and rubbing his elbow nervously.
"Sure you do, she’s a cute chick and she’s got a nice tush in jeans."
"How’s this, you talk about her nice tush in jeans again and I’ll get severely peeved." Threatened Edd, his tiny fist wobbling.
"Whoa, take it easy, Tarzan." Laughed Eddy, his hands in front of him in playful surrender. Edd put the blueprint in his bag.
"Anyway, she told me she likes you." Remarked Edd, flinging it over his shoulder.
"Really…?" Eddy perked up. "She said that?"
"No!" taunted Edd with a smug grin. Eddy’s eyebrows dipped cynically.
"Can I talk about her nice tush in a skirt?" he asked cheekily.
"If you want to live to see your 14th birthday…I’d recommend it not." Edd joked bluntly.
"Oh no, spaghetti arms is on the warpath, hide the women and children!" cackled Eddy. Edd shook his head and pushed the garage button.
"Tsk,Tsk! Do you know how long I have been waiting!" scolded Ed dimly, finger wagging, and wrapped up in about 20 yards of Band-Aid.
"C'mon, monstermunch!" Eddy shoved Ed up the driveway. "Wow, Double Dee, I can't believe I turned 13 last month!" Eddy polished his knuckles smoothly on his shirt." THen again, manhood's something that comes natural to me!" he smirked. Edd said nothing.
I wonder if he'll remember..." he pondered to himself.