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NOW PLAYING...luniz-I got 5 on it-Pressure mounts as Eddy and Kevin negotiate...

"Gidoutta hee, Dork! What you givin’ me?" said Kevin gruffly.
"We need jawbreakers Kevin! As many as you got! We don’t care if they’re the weird looking ones, the discoloured ones, whatever-just gimme,gimme,gimme!" demanded Eddy, hoisting himself onto Kevin’s back like an annoying little monkey.
"Get away from me!" snorted Kevin, walloping Eddy with his crutch. Only slightly concussed, Eddy stood up and flicked his arms out with bravado.
"Oh Kevin!" he jeered.
"what yo, WHAT?" he grunted wearily as he turned to walk away.
"What did you say the Kankers were again? Oh I just can’t remember for the life of me!" bawled Eddy sarcastically. "Do youuuuuuuu remember, Double D?"
"Oh,well,I,erm…"dithered Edd.
"That’s it!" started Eddy, slapping Edd across the back. "And it goes something like this;" Eddy spat on his hands and slicked his hair forward, then hunched his shirt up like a suffocatingly large polar-neck sweater.

"Those Kanker sisters are really scary, ain’t they?!?! Is that about right Kev, my boy?" he sniggered. Kevin heaved his caste towards him in an effort to walk. Eddy smirked with satisfaction "Then again, I'd be scared too if Lee called ME steely bu"-
"You dare, twirp and I’ll"-
"Kev, my lips are sealed…as long as I get some kind of…reward
for my silence." Haggled Eddy, his hand outstretched. Kevin
huffed in surrender.
"All right, whatever, take some lousy jawbreakers already…just
gerroff my lawn!"
"Bingo!" tittered Eddy as he sped towards the Aladdin’s Palace
of a garage.
"Hold up, Dweebb and Dweeby!" snapped Kevin.
"You called?" said Eddy haughtily.
" Take all the jawbreakers you want!"
"Whoo-hoo! I knew you’d come around, Kev!"
"and I get 50% of the casino profits!"
"50%?!?" shrieked Eddy in terror. "That’s daylight robbery!
Stick it where the sun ain’t shining, Kevin!"
"Take it or leave it, Edhead. Oh and, by the way! I expect to have a say on how this little kazbar's gonna be run so, you better make some room on the big cheese table!" Kevin said haughtily. "Spare me twirps! What choice have you got?!? Not like you have your own jawbreakers!"
"So you're saying this is some kind of loan, Kevin?" asked Edd.
"I prefer to call it a settlement. You need me,kiddies!" sneered Kevin to Eddy. Edd pulled Eddy to one side.
"I say accept it." he mumbled.
"Are you insane?!?" Eddy hissed.

"Eddy, Kevin has an advantageous stance from here on in. The kids can't gamble with money so yes, we do need him!" Edd lamented. "But on a positive note...if there IS one... Kevin is the toughest kid around, a socially correct move would be to use his bruiser reputation to our own means..."
"Say what?" irked Eddy.
"I may as well add that with me as a partner, shall we call it..." Kevin rubbed his hands together, overhearing Edd." I'm bad will long as I'M around...but ur...nothin' GOOD will happen...if I AIN'T!" he said with a malicious flash across his eyes. Eddy seethed with rage.
"10%…and no more!" he shouted.
"25%…and no less, dorkenstien!" mocked Kevin.
Eddy boiled with hate. His eyes bulging, he gritted his teeth.
"They better be the best quality, none of your reject tat,
Kevin!" He hissed.
"Nea-Ha-ha-ha, squirt!" cackled Kevin as he flung 3X50 boxes of
jawbreakers at the outbargained Eds. They teetered over to
Eddy’s house and flung them in his room.